
M-Pesa PayBill
  1. Go to M-PESA
  2. Select Pay Bill
  3. Under Enter Business Number – Enter 488700
  4. Under Enter Account Number – Enter AISK [space] then your narration e.g. AISK JOHN DOE)
    N/B: The word AISK is a required
  5. Enter the amount
  6. Enter PIN and then confirm OK
Direct Deposit Giving to our Kenya Account

Bank Name: NCBA BANK
Account Name: Ambassadors in Sport-Kenya
Account Number: 1000010638
Swift code: CBAFKENX
Bank code: 07
Branch code: 000

Giving Online in the United States or United Kingdom

If you live in the United States you can GIVE ONLINE HERE.
(you will be redirected to the Ambassadors International Giving page for Kenya)

If you live in the United Kingdom you can GIVE ONLINE HERE.
(you will be redirected to the Ambassadors Football
Great Britain Giving page)

Be sure to clearly indicate that this gift is for the Kenya Office.