Coaching Training


TREC (Training Resourcing Equipping Coaches)

Ambassadors Football aims to transform communities through local football outreach through building up qualified coaches of good character to be role models on the field.

One of the ways we do this is through a week-long event called TREC.

TREC (Training, Resourcing, Equipping, Coaches/Churches/Communities) is the flagship training course that Ambassadors Football conducts around the world. TREC is a 35 hour intensive training program delivered at different levels. Each TREC includes classroom and on-field training delivered by highly certified and licensed Tutors. The main focus of the program is to train coaches to positively influence others and in the process mentor their players.

Who is better positioned to impact, not just their football playing ability, but their life?
The Coach

A good coach can change a game, but a great coach can change a life.John Wooden

A coach will impact more people in one year than the average person will in an entire lifetime.Billy Graham


We have seen that the coach is the key influencer through many years of TREC weeks. We see the need and we want to invest in the person of the coach. Their holistic being, so as they live life in front of their players, they can give to them from what they have. They can be role models. Modeling authenticity, realness and an emotionally mature self. Modeling dealing with life’s pressures, setbacks, successes and challenges.

But the coach must become the role model, the change agent in order to do this.

We seek to train – coming alongside to help them to impact their communities.
We seek to model – developing our own programs as examples of how to impact communities.
We seek to mobilize – connecting with the church and other organizations/groups to envision them to use football to impact their communities.

A coach will teach players from what they know (do what I say), but we know in reality we reproduce who they are (do what I do). The coach will reproduce themselves in the players. To impact and affect the coach’s life we need time. Time in their lives. We need to journey with them. To do this we have the TREC journey.

The TREC Journey consists of:

The TREC journey is a process towards each coach becoming:

  • Football coaches
  • Father figures
  • Whole Life coaches
  • Disciple makers

We imagine this journey leading to multiplication of coaches impacting other coaches as they impact their players.

My TREC Coaching course was an experience that I have never had before. The link between the morning devotion, ministry and football was awesome. This course taught me the values of integrating with the community and how one can spread ideas, communication, and the gospel to the society and also solve the community problems through football.”
Abdul Kaka – Football Kenya Federation Chairman in Nanyuki County